Professional products homeowners want

The builder’s 1st year Latent defects
Maintaining your good reputation is crucial, that’s why we go out of our way to promptly assist you and your clients to resolve issues. To allow owners to understand new housing standards and to be proud of their homes. Lux provides performance standards, support & warranty guarantees.

2 Year Envelope Warranty
Protection against water penetration for the above ground home envelope, from windows, doors, siding… Homeowners purchase the coverage directly from Lux, to the builders benefit.

5-20 Year Dry Basement
Everyone says quality, but you prove it. Be a leader and prove you provide quality, set yourself apart and attract purchasers to you!
Protection from water penetration through the foundation wall and consequential damages. Requires the installation of a drainage board Platon, Delta MS, or Sopradrain.

5 Year Renovation Warranty
Similar to New Home warranty The builder’s 1st Year Latent defects. Dispute resolution – Homeowner helpline. 2 Year envelope & 5 Year Dry Basement also applicable.

8-10 Year Major Structural Defect (MSD)
MSD included in basic coverage. Even quality homes can be effected by structural failures. They occur, and when they do – Thank God there’s coverage!