Lead the field – other builders cannot offer this warranty!

Introducing the “Dry Basement Warranty” Exclusive to Lux Members

Get Started now! 


Not a Lux Builder?

This product can make you money!


  • Install a Lux approved drainage board on your basement wall (Delta MS or Sopradrain)
  • Check the “drainage box”  on the home registration form
  • Check the “Dry Basement box” on the possession form


The homeowner will receive an offer to purchase the warranty 5 year $235 or 10 year $475. With option to extend to 20 years.

A certificate is then sent to the homeowner for proud display on their electrical panel.

(Builder) Relax, homeowners will not be calling you with a leaky basement!

True Story!

Dry Basement sold home

Mr. Eisener walked into the Lux office June ’2014. Comparing two homes each $260,000. and wants to know which home to choose. He was advised the Lux builder Arsenault Homes had the “Dry basement protection”

He immediately purchased the Lux builder’s home.